Research Projects


Our research projects have multiple components that encompass a broad range of themes all focused on the goal of contributing to the reduction of the global burden of suffering of mental health problems across the life course. The project titles are organized by themes below. Visit the individual research project pages for specific information about each project by clicking on their title. 


Neurodevelopmental Disorder Projects 

  • STREAM (Scalable TRansdiagnostic Early Assessment of Mental Health)
  • COMPASS (Communication-centred Parent-mediated treatment for Autism Spectrum disorder in South Asia)
  • NAMASTE (Neurodevelopment and AutisM in South ASia Treatment and Evidence)

Youth Mental Health Projects

Maternal Mental Health Projects

  • SUMMIT (Scaling UMaternal Mental healthcare by Increasing access to Treatment)

Adult Mood Disorder Projects

Severe Mental Illness Projects

Additional Mental Health Projects

  • MassCPR
  • SAMBHAV (Stress Alleviation Methods for community-Based Health ActiVists)